01 January 2011

Sean Penn-A Body Double For Robert Smith of The Cure?

No, Sean Penn won't be playing Robert Smith of The Cure in an autobiographical film. Sean's actually starring in the 2011 release of his newest project "This Must Be The Place". Sean portrays a jaded and bored rock star, on the hunt for his fathers murderer...who's actually an ex-Nazi war criminal.


  1. Yeah, but tell me Bobarino was not the inspiration for the character visual. I mean, really?

  2. Looks more like Sylvester Stallone's Mum to me. But then The Cure always did look like the police lineup for a crime where Jackie Stallone was the real villain.

  3. I love Robert Smith but Dear GOD....it is time to let the make-up go!

  4. It´s not a shame to survive.

    I think you simply dont have the right to judge a hero from the eighties.
    Robert Smith just isn´t the 21 Years old Punk boy any more. Thats the fact. So what?
    And i am shure, you are getting older too. The Years are passing by .....
    Maybe in some twenty years you could discover the same picture in a mirror. So what?

    1. Ok, I hear you Anonymous. I didn't write that Robert was a wash-up. I wrote that Sean plays the part of a "washed-up ex-rock star"...and that reference cones from the movie press release. I attached a comparison photo of Sean and Robert...if you can't find the humor in how much Sean's wardrobe and make-up team 'took' inspiration from Robert in his post The Cure break-up era...well you might be in denial. And I'll add that I very much love The Cure...I just drove 8 hours in heavy snow fall with The Cure at the top if my in-car playlist.

  5. Juuba Juu. Tängjuu veri meni!!!
